Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Imagination Of A 6 Year Old

It's funny how much changes in your life as you grow up. When I was younger, all I would do was run around and play with dolls. I was so full of life and everything was exciting to me. I had such a vivid imagination growing up and such a thirst for exploration. When I was around the age of 6, my life basically consisted of naps and playing with my Barbie dolls. I would have little tea parties with them, give them make overs and pretend that they were actually real people. When I'd play with my dolls, I'd pretend they had this "hidden life" of their own. My imagination would completely take over to the point where I'd think the dolls would come alive when I wasn't around. It sounds crazy, I know, but at the age of 6 it was completely normal to imagine or pretend your dolls or toys had a life of their own. It seems like as we grow older, we tend to lose this capability of imagining such things as when we were kids. As we grow up, we learn that our imagination consists of only the things we want to come true in our life to make it more interesting. We learn to face reality and soon get distracted by our teenage years. All of a sudden we become too old to play with barbie dolls and other toys, and become more focused on school, friends and relationships. Growing apart from these toys from our childhood also makes us grow apart from our imagination and wonder that we used to have.

St. Gregory of Nyssa once said, "Concepts create idols, only wonder knows." I think this means that we are unable to truly know or imagine anything without wonder. My imagination as a kid created this wonder for bringing these dolls to life. I find this quote to very true. This wonder ultimately made me think of more possibilities for the doll other than it's main purpose. I think that it is important for everyone to keep this imagination that they had as a kid, because without wonder, we will never be able to grasp anything in life.

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