Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hello World!

Hey there world! My name is Kira and I am currently enrolled in my senior year at Bishop McNamara High School. I never really know what to say when I am asked a question like "Who are you?" or "What makes you who you are?" Usually I would reply with a list of activities that I partake in that describes the types of things I enjoy doing in my free time, but that doesn't exactly describe me, only the things I do. I believe the things that make you who you are revolve around your goals and the things and people who are most valuable in your life.

There are quite a few things that I consider most valuable in my life including my family, my well being, my friends, my relationship with others and most importantly my relationship with God. My family, just as well as anyone else, is a major part of my life. They are truly my backbone and the reason for my existence. Having a strong and healthy relationship with my family is extremely important because those are the only people who genuinely love me and will stand by my side no matter what (besides God). My well being is another important thing in my life. In my opinion, a stable emotional, mental and physical health is essential to a good life. My friends are another huge part of my life. My friends and family are my support system and having people in my life to motivate and believe in me means a lot. Knowing that there are people here to stand by me through everything is something everyone needs in their lives. It's important that I have a good relationship with the people I'm surrounded by, such as my friends and family, in order to build a form of trust and loyalty. Lastly, my relationship with God is one of the big rocks in my life. God is the reason for everything that exists. Without a healthy relationship with God, you cannot truly be happy in life. He is the one that made me and has a plan for me in this life that I eventually will discover when the time is right. Being baptized as Catholic, my relationship with God has been a crucial part of my life. It is important for me to maintain this relationship with God to be happy and have a better understanding of life. 

As for my ethnic background, I am mixed with black, white, Cuban and creole. Being a minority is important to me for a couple of reasons. The first reason is because it makes me feel different from the rest of the world knowing that I have a little bit of everything mixed within me. The other reason why i feel it is so important to have such a cultural background is because I can trace back to all or most of my ancestors to see all the majority of the places that I come from. The things I look for in life are happiness, success, acceptance, and fulfillment. Hopefully within my lifetime I will achieve these four things, but until then I need to keep working on the important things that will eventually get me there. Thank you so much for taking your time to read my first blog post! I look forward to sharing more with you!

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