Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Knowledge is constantly developing information acquired through experience and education. To know something is to simply retain information from things such as facts, history, or what we read or hear. We gain knowledge by reading books and being taught certain facts by other people or things. For example, we know that God is real and that He is the creator for everything in existence. Even though we haven’t seen Him or encountered Him, we know that He is real from the things we are taught in Church, from the Bible, from our parents, and in school. Another example of things that we know from learning is history. We are taught history throughout our entire lives, in school, reading books, watching documentaries, and from living in the present and past making our own history. We know things like the 50 states that are in the Unite States or the different religions around the world. We can also gain knowledge from personal experiences. For example, we cannot know that we like or dislike a certain food without trying it first. Another example is we cannot know that we are a talented in a sport until we try to play one. Experiences in life are essential to continue to learn and know things in life. Lastly, we gain knowledge from our surroundings. When we are young, we learn how to behave around others and develop a sense of what is right or wrong. To “know” something can be come in all of these various forms and more. 

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