Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Distance Learning


1987 Harry is cleansed from his sins when he goes to the river for healing. “We’re going to a river to a healing.”

1988 The little boy’s death at the end of the story represents how Harry took part in Christ’s Passion because he died to sin by drowning in the river. His Resurrection was entering The Kingdom of Heaven as being born to a new life.

1989 Conversion was seen through the prayer of Harry’s mother. The prayer for her to get better was turning her away from sin and towards God for healing.

1990 The first moment Harry is detached from sin is when he encountered the truth behind Jesus Christ. He said he never knew who Jesus was and learned that day that Jesus was the one who created him and

1991 The acceptance of God’s righteousness was seen when Harry asked Mrs. Connin if Bebel Summers could really heal him.

1992 This form of justification was seen when Bevel Summers was preaching and said, “There ain’t but one river and that’s the River of Life, made out of Jesus’ Blood. That’s the river you have to lay your pain in, in the River of Faith, in the River of Life, in the River of Love, in the rich red river of Jesus’ Blood, you people!”

1993 The cooperation between God’s grace and man’s freedom was illustrated through Harry’s baptism.

1994 Harry’s parents are also seen as sinners. They failed to teach Harry the Catholic teachings and did not make known the work of God’s love. The will receive a greater mercy.

1995 The sanctification and birth of the “inner man” was shown when Harry was baptized in the river. Bevel says, “You count. You didn’t count before.”


1996 The grace of God is seen through “the healing” the preacher promises. Bevel says, “I read in Mark about an unclean man, I read in Luke about a blind man, I read in John about a dead man! Oh you people hear! The same blood that makes this River red, made that leper clean, made that blind man stare, made that dead man leap!”

1997 The participation in the Life of God was also demonstrated through the baptism. He was adopted as the Lord’s son and washed away his sins.

1998 The vocation of eternal life was represented in Harry’s death. He enters the Kingdom of Christ and begins a new, eternal life in Heaven.

1999 The sanctifying or deifying grace received in Baptism was “The count” Harry received after he was baptized. It led him in search to find the Kingdom of Christ.

2000 Harry perfects his soul through his baptism. He is encountering the permanent disposition to live and act in keeping with God’s call. After his baptism, “the count” is seen as Harry’s calling and acceptance of grace.

2001 The preparation of man for the reception of grace was seen through the picture of Jesus above Mrs. Connin’s bed. This image brought justification through faith and charity.

2002 Harry chose to search for the Kingdom of Christ. He knew that God promised “eternal life” if he longed for the truth and wanted to satisfy this desire.

2003 Harry shows his ignorance by not knowing who Jesus Christ is. Harry thought that Jesus Christ was a word like “oh” or a person who may have cheated someone out of something. His ignorance failed to illustrate grace.

2004 Reverend Bevel Summers exercised the responsibilities of the Christian life and ministries within the Church through his healing and his preaching’s of the Kingdom of Christ and the Blood of the River. 

2005 Harry escapes his experience by trusting in his faith of the Kingdom of Christ. He dies a good end and encounters his Maker through his search for the Kingdom of Christ. He is justified and saved through his death.

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