Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam 

1. The pronunciation of the shahada is central to a Muslim's identity and practice of the Islamic faith because it affirms the Muslim belief that there is only one God.

2. The practice of the salat both mentally helps Muslims to live in obedience to the will of Allah by providing the time to to focus on their beliefs and how they will live them out. Physically, it requires a person to bow in a defenseless position and pray towards the direction of Mecca.

3. The practice of zakat influences Muslims as a community of faith by showing that Allah's will is for everyone to be treated equally by having the upper and middle classes give a portion of their wealth to the poor.

4. The practice of sawm mentally helps a Muslim to live in obedience to the will of Allah by teaching self-discipline through fasting. Physically, a Muslim may not eat, drink nor smoke from sunrise to sunset.

5. I think that the hajj is a pilar of Islam because it shows the unity of all Muslims through their pilgrimage by bringing them all together. This practice is similar to Judaism in a way that Jews are encouraged to visit Isreal, whereas Muslims are required to go on this pilgrimage.

6. I think some of the challenges of practicing a life in relationship to the Five Pillars would be developing the self-disciple required during fasting and just abiding by the strict laws of Islam in general. Another challenge for a Muslim to me would be remembering to pray 5 times a day.

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