Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ninety Names of God

The first masculine name that I chose was The Potent. I chose this name because it represents a powerful and strong God. It also represents God's power to perform miracles and create earth, animals, and people. The potent symbolizes that God's power is unrestrained and unlimited. He is the highest of powers and cannot be overruled. It also symbolizes how He is the most powerful being and the creator of everything.

The second masculine name that I chose was The All-Knowing. I chose this name because when I think about God, I know He is the wisest of all and with this knowledge comes with power. To me, this name is a more masculine name because since God is so knowledgable and powerful, He can control and know everything. God can see and plan everything out in advance and has a larger plan for each and every one of us. This name illustrates his true power of knowing and controlling everything that happens in the world.

The first feminine name I chose was The Infinitely Patient. To me, women have a more patient and nurturing role than men. God is patient with all of his children because we all sin and are slowly learning how to live the way were meant to in the first place. God is also patient and kind in ways we may not even realize. He is also comforting in our toughest times and is there to nurture us to make sure we get through them.

The second feminine name that I chose was The Fashioner. When I think of the word fashion, I think of a more feminine role. God is seen as a fashioner because he created or designed the world in Genesis. He also created every human being and how he expects us all to live. The fashioner requires a powerful and creative role, that God clearly attains.

All of these names describe God in several different ways. Whether the names are feminine or masculine, it just shows how diverse God is and how many roles He has as our Father. These four names, as well as the other ninety five of them, are all just some of the examples of God's power and ability. There aren't enough names to fully describe who God is, but through what we are taught and know, these names can give a good example of who God is to us and how unlimited he is power.

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