Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam 

1. The pronunciation of the shahada is central to a Muslim's identity and practice of the Islamic faith because it affirms the Muslim belief that there is only one God.

2. The practice of the salat both mentally helps Muslims to live in obedience to the will of Allah by providing the time to to focus on their beliefs and how they will live them out. Physically, it requires a person to bow in a defenseless position and pray towards the direction of Mecca.

3. The practice of zakat influences Muslims as a community of faith by showing that Allah's will is for everyone to be treated equally by having the upper and middle classes give a portion of their wealth to the poor.

4. The practice of sawm mentally helps a Muslim to live in obedience to the will of Allah by teaching self-discipline through fasting. Physically, a Muslim may not eat, drink nor smoke from sunrise to sunset.

5. I think that the hajj is a pilar of Islam because it shows the unity of all Muslims through their pilgrimage by bringing them all together. This practice is similar to Judaism in a way that Jews are encouraged to visit Isreal, whereas Muslims are required to go on this pilgrimage.

6. I think some of the challenges of practicing a life in relationship to the Five Pillars would be developing the self-disciple required during fasting and just abiding by the strict laws of Islam in general. Another challenge for a Muslim to me would be remembering to pray 5 times a day.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ninety Names of God

The first masculine name that I chose was The Potent. I chose this name because it represents a powerful and strong God. It also represents God's power to perform miracles and create earth, animals, and people. The potent symbolizes that God's power is unrestrained and unlimited. He is the highest of powers and cannot be overruled. It also symbolizes how He is the most powerful being and the creator of everything.

The second masculine name that I chose was The All-Knowing. I chose this name because when I think about God, I know He is the wisest of all and with this knowledge comes with power. To me, this name is a more masculine name because since God is so knowledgable and powerful, He can control and know everything. God can see and plan everything out in advance and has a larger plan for each and every one of us. This name illustrates his true power of knowing and controlling everything that happens in the world.

The first feminine name I chose was The Infinitely Patient. To me, women have a more patient and nurturing role than men. God is patient with all of his children because we all sin and are slowly learning how to live the way were meant to in the first place. God is also patient and kind in ways we may not even realize. He is also comforting in our toughest times and is there to nurture us to make sure we get through them.

The second feminine name that I chose was The Fashioner. When I think of the word fashion, I think of a more feminine role. God is seen as a fashioner because he created or designed the world in Genesis. He also created every human being and how he expects us all to live. The fashioner requires a powerful and creative role, that God clearly attains.

All of these names describe God in several different ways. Whether the names are feminine or masculine, it just shows how diverse God is and how many roles He has as our Father. These four names, as well as the other ninety five of them, are all just some of the examples of God's power and ability. There aren't enough names to fully describe who God is, but through what we are taught and know, these names can give a good example of who God is to us and how unlimited he is power.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Islam Webquest

Task #1- The World's Muslim Population 
1. The highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live in the world today are 2.1 billion.
2. 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or greater are: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Comoros, Dijbouti, Egypt, Gambia, Iraq, Iran, and Jordan.
3. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population.
4. There are 2,595,000 Muslims are in the US.

Task #2- Key Beliefs of Islam
Summarize each of the key beliefs below in a COMPLETE sentence.
1. Muslims believe that there is one unique incomparable God.
2. Muslims believe angels to be honored creatures.
3. God revealed books to his followers for guidance.
4. Muslims believe in the prophets and messengers of God.
5. Muslims believe in judgment day.
6. Muslims believe in AL-Qadar or divine predestination.

Teachings of Muhammad
1. It takes more strength to stop yourself from anger than it does to take others down with you.
2. A scholars writing is more valuable than the death of a martyr.
3. Loving the world more than God is evil.

Task #3- The Quarn (Koran)
1. The Quran provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an equitable economic system.
2. The Quran exists in Arabic because that's how it was revealed to Muhammad.
3. The Quran was sent down from Heaven in the ninth month.
4. The angel Gabriel commanded Muhammad to read then he memorized the Quran.

Task #4- Five Pillars of Faith
1. 1) Shahadah: reciting the Muslim profession of faith. 2) Salat: performing of ritual prayers five times a day. 3) Zakat: paying alms tax to help the poor. 4) Sawm: fasting during Ramadan. 5) Hajj: the pilgrimage to Mecca.
2. They are important because it gives them framework for their lives and their daily life.
3. Cheating on the 5 Pillars is impossible because it puts their faith before their life.
4. Shahadah is the same prayer that Christians pray. Salat is like going to mass five times a day. Zakat is volunteering to help the poor through charity. Sawm is similar to fasting during lent. And the Hajj is like going to a sacred prayer ground everyday.

Task #5- Ramadan
1. Ramadan is a holy month where God sent the Quran down to Muhammad.
2. During Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink during the daytime. Smoking and sex are also forbidden.
3. telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind his back, false oat, and greed can destroy the good acquired during Ramadan
4. The 27th day of Ramadan is significant because it is believed that on that night Muhammad first received the sacred revelation.
5. When Ramadan ends with a 3 day celebration.
6.The 3 reasons Ramadan is important are: The Qur'an was first revealed during this month; the gates of Heaven are open; and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up in Hell.
7. It's easier to do good during Ramadan because it has been blessed by Allah.

Task #6- Fun Facts
List 5 interesting facts you learned from the websites above.
1. Muslims believe Abraham is the father of the Arabs.
2. Moses is an important prophet of the Muslim faith.
3. Muslims circumcise boys.
4. Muslims pray five times a day towards Mecca.
5. Muslims believe in peace and do not allow for extremist views.