Monday, November 26, 2012

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

I’ve come to realize how much the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have affected my life over the past seventeen years. These gifts that God has instilled in the Holy Spirit have allowed me to not only find grace within others, but also true grace within myself. I’ve used these gifts of the Holy Spirit almost every day of my life, whether it’s to maintain patience to wait for something or someone or to keep my hope alive during the toughest of times. These gifts have helped me grow stronger as a person and grow closer to God through instilling faith, hope, charity, or even patience. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit also helped me with becoming wiser in situations, understanding people as well as my surroundings, knowledge, piety, and fortitude. Through these gifts, I’ve learned to never give up, even when I’m faced with the hardest situations and I think I can’t get through it. I know that God will always get me through everything he decides to put me through. These gifts have truly helped me through family matters, friendships, relationships, and internal conflicts. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are constant reminders of why I am here on earth and what I have to do in order to succeed in this world.

One of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that I find I need most in my life today would be my faith in God and others. In my eyes, faith is the key to closure and certainty. It is my faith that keeps me going and persevering. As long as I keep my faith in God and in others, I feel as though I have enough closure to move on and hope for the best. In any given situation, whether it’s bad or good, I pray and make sure I keep close to God through this time. I feel safer and more certain of a positive outcome in a situation when I maintain my faith in God because I know he only wants the best for me and will do whatever it takes to make me a stronger person. My faith in others is also essential. I put my faith and trust in a lot of people, such as my family and friends. I rely and depend on them when I am at my most vulnerable moments. Keeping my faith in them helps give me closure and gratification so that I can keep going and move forward in my life. Without faith in God and others, I would not be the strong young woman I am today and it would be extremely difficult to find any sense of happiness or certainty in my life. 

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