Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"She Went By Gently"

1.    “A gift of Baptism is the ability to love others as God loves us.” The woman shows this gift of Baptism through her treatment of the girl. The woman makes sure she comforts the girl while she is in this scary situation. She cares for her through this time and makes sure the girl has all of the necessary equipment to deliver her baby. The woman also shows her love by comforting her by telling her to be strong like her mother. She travels four miles in the darkness just to be by the girl’s side. The woman also believes in the young girl even when she knows that she is referred to a “slut” and has a sinful past. This care that the woman provides for the young girl is a symbol of the gift of Baptism.
2.    At the end of the story, the woman says in regards to the infant, “I saved him.” What she means by this statement is that by baptizing the baby before it died, she saved him from sin. When the woman said, “I baptize you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost,” she is ultimately saving they baby by bringing him into God’s grace and protection.
3.    The author describes the woman’s journey back to her home very vividly. The purpose of this section of the story is to illustrate the birth of the baby and his baptism. She maintained her faith in God even though she witnessed original sin. The author was trying to convey the meaning behind the woman’s choice to baptize the baby and create a moment of rebirth of the baby and its baptism. 

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