Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Makes Me Happy? :)

Everyone in this world seeks for happiness in his or her lives. We all have things in particular that make us happy, such as certain people or even hobbies. Activities such as drawing, painting, playing a sport, being an active member in community service or even being around animals are things that make people happy in their life. Personally, the things that make me most happy in life are surrounding myself with positive people, such as my friends and family, playing lacrosse, praying, making others happy and simply waking up in the morning.

My friends are definitely people that make me happy and most comfortable in life. I love hanging out with my friends just because they give me a safe feeling when I’m around them. They’re a group of people I know I can count on to make me laugh, smile, and trust. Knowing that I have people like this in my life makes me happy and complete. My family is another great example of people I love to be around. One family member in particular that I always love being around is my grandmother. She’s one of the funniest and most down to earth people I have ever met in my life. My grandmother is always there when I need her and even when I don’t. She’s someone I can come to for anything at all and I can talk to about anything without being judged. She, of all people, is the most valuable person in my life and I cherish every moment I’m honored to spend with her.

Playing lacrosse is a great activity that I enjoy playing. Ever since my sophomore year in high school, I’ve loved playing lacrosse. Learning how to play a new sport was exciting and enjoyable. The practices would sometimes get very intense, but establishing new relationships with my coaches and teammates gave me a fulfilling feeling. There’s never a dull moment when I’m with my team. Being around such positive people makes it impossible to ever be unhappy. I love my team for all the support and motivation they give me, on and off of the field.

Prayer is another major necessity to contribute to my happiness. Every morning, afternoon and night before I go to sleep, I take the time to talk to God. I mostly thank Him for all that he has blessed with me with and pray for others as well as myself. I pray for the people who mean the most to me and even my enemies. I’ve talked to God every day since I learned how to pray and it has become essential in my daily life.

Making others happy is something I love to do, not only because I’m putting them in a better mood, but because I’m making myself happy as well. It is the little things we do such as smile at someone or pay them a compliment that can simply uplift their spirits. Knowing that I can make someone’s day better just by doing a small task is rewarding to me.

Lastly, the privilege of waking up in the morning is without a doubt the main thing that makes me happy. Most people don’t wake up in the morning or are guaranteed only a few minutes, hours or days left to live. When God wakes me up in the morning, I know that it’s for a purpose only He knows. I’m blessed to have seen these past 16 (almost 17) years of my life and am thankful for every second I am alive. These are the things in life that truly will always make me happy.

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